

This project wasn't too hard to create, as Germany's history of art is well documented, and plenty of material on it (especially in the WWII era) exists. Realistically, the hardest part was finding stuff about art in post-WWII art in Germany. It seems like it's a really difficult time to find a lot of info on, and one source I found said that it's considered kind of a "dark age" for art history in Germany. Since a lot of older art from Germany is well-preserved and a lot of the artists and people I studied were rather particular about their correspondence, a lot of primary sources survived, and that made research easier. This whole project was rather enlightening, though. I learned a lot more outside of what I already knew about German art and history AND art history. Some stuff I came across was truly fascinating or baffling, like King Ludwig II or The Monk by the Sea by Caspar David Friedrich were so interesting to learn more about, and I'm really glad I chose my topic. I chose the theme I did because Berlin, while simplistic, was very bland, and my pages felt really empty with it. I decided to use the Daily Theme as it was more visuals focused, and encouraged more media use. I kept the landing page as simple as possible, mostly due to an 11th hour theme change to The Daily, but also to avoid any difficulties with the exhibit. I chose to organize my projects topics in an "era" order, mostly due to the fact that, as my project shows, "Germany" can be a bit nebulous as a country when discussing it in the past. Seperating it by major events (WW1 and WW2) helps with making the info a bit easier to digest and helps clear up difficulties in getting lost in dates and times (which I've struggled with plenty). 

Before you grade this, I do want to add one thing: you may notice that the sections with Nazi Germany seem a bit more sparse than other sections of the project. I tried to include some major stuff and how it relates to the thesis of my project, but when discussing this, it almost felt like there was too much information on art and Nazi Germany. While I did try to go back and add some more detail or citations, I tried to keep it a little less dense, as there were points where I felt like what I was saying had been said a million times already. I'm unsure if this is a problem anyway, as one of the top negative comments I had on my gallery walk was that my project was too wordy, but I did want to leave that little disclaimer.